Cosmic Codes


Now know that your physical chemical body is shifting from a carbon based chemical (electromagnetic) structure – onto a crystalline “silicon dioxide”  structure, a blending of frequency between electro magnetic and etheric magnetic. And we will call this the “crystallization process”.

There is also a blending of frequencies between the gravitational forcefield allowing for a pressure relationship between electro-magnetic and etheric-magnetic.   – our bodies aren’t solid like water and ice. So this is why Quartz Crystals are very important and essential at mankinds awakening and evolutionary process.


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Vibrational tonal resonance between you the conscious personality and your Souls frequencies of light are merging and blending frequencies.


And here at the same time Earth’s electromagnetic field is now declining. The etheric – magnetic fields of light are increasing in frequency and intensity and amplifying awakening mankind to its destiny.

This is affecting most everyone’s energy field and bodies of consciousness both at physical, emotional and mental levels as well.  We are in you could say, an adjustment/integration period.


With integration and embodiment, we will become aware with acceptance & Self love diffusing fear, doubt, self-destructive patterns, etc.  Creating a conscious connection between you & your Soul, manifesting completeness within yourself, sureness of Self will come to pass.  We must become one with the vibrations of the New Earth, and one with all that is, one with each other.  But still at the same time, we must maintain and become a “Law Unto Ourselves”, maintaining Unity and oneness at the same time and holding an individual core of vibrational frequencies as well.


During this integration period carry your Personal Crystal with you at all times – on your person so it can interact with your energy body and field.



Your uncompleted mental patterns, old beliefs, and uncompleted emotional magnetic patterns of reaction are creating and recreating at sub atomic levels. You could say your insulation blanket which contain old mental beliefs & magnetic emotional holding patterns between the physical chemical body and your Soul’s bodies of consciousness.


When your chemical physical structure is totally complete, meaning the crystallization process – you will, in most cases, no longer need the crystals to work with in the manner you did. Although they can still be used to balance your environment, your space, and for broadcast and transmission from higher dimensional fields to receive much data and information from fleet ships or other beings.

Completing your Souls magnetics is completing the crystallization process.  This will be YOU and your conscious personality – will bring you and your conscious personality to the state of ONENESS.  When we refer to magnetics, meaning your Souls’ evolutionary core frequencies, your souls tonal frequencies resonate on a tonal frequency of evolution.

The vibrational process you are engaged within can be intense at times. Your surrender of your process, will shift everything at a faster rate – so let go and trust the process. Till then – may be the QUARTZ be with you.

When energy is being transferred, thus expanded / experienced there is a communication / information frequency being sent to the field. Try to become aware of your vibrations, feelings and sensations and emotions.

This energy frequency being sent / received are light encoded magnetics are a geometric form of light language, this is projected to you from a cosmic database based energy frequency affecting the DNA and bodies of consciousness. This will be affecting your DNA, creating new strands along the crystal nervous system within your physical body.

As we have said many times, quartz crystals are magnetic vehicles of the Universe and in the not too distant future mankind will become aware of the power and potential of quartz crystals and their multitude of applications and functions.



Thought, feelings, consciousness itself, processing thru Earth’s Field, electro-magnetic etheric-magnetic which is crystalline structure in nature, all data information consciousness, vibration and processing structure.  This is the vehicle of consciousness in the energy exchange of frequency & the souls evolution.

Think of your brain as a bio-magnetic computer. So quartz is essential for the process of awareness, evolution and soul experience and expansion of expression.

Once again we speak of your language, your ways to communicate data is very limited because it’s using words. Your language that is connected and managed under your social consciousness. Both at conscious and unconscious levels of communication.  Words do not express the true nature of energy frequencies. In other words, it does not convey the truth.

This is why we have disagreements, attorneys, the truth of the matter and is mismanaged and therefore miscommunicated – this creates distrust, anger, fear, and other cardinal reactionary patterns and so on.


Self truth can only be experienced thru a vibrational exchange of energy, frequencies in the exchange of vibrational energy interaction.  In other words, Truth is experiential.  Meaning, vibrational not just an intellectual process in your mind. The vibrations of the new Earth are communicating at higher levels of Truth and understanding are beginning to surface in your consciousness and reality.

Mother Earth has been holding this information and data for Eons of your time, giving you the space of time to evolve your energy bodies in your evolutionary process. This process is now being accelerated.


This process is being done cause and effect vibrational patterns, you could say being withdrawn. This is due to the changes in Earth Plane, due t to the changes of the gravitational force fields and change with the electro-magnetic and etheric-magnetic field of light for they are being shifted to become 1 Unified Field of Light. This will be about a blending of frequencies between physical and spiritual levels creating – forcing the fields to come together.

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